
For a Spice integration to be certified by our team, it must satisfy these mandatory requirements. There are also some optional features that you may choose to add.

General requirements

G1 Spice is installed on the Point of Sale (POS) machine (not on a separate device).
G2 Spice is connected to the same network as the POS. (We recommend that it is also on the same subnetwork.)
G3 Each request includes the 'POS-Name' and 'POS-Version' HTTP headers.
  • The ‘POS-Name’ is your business name.
  • The ‘POS-Version’ number is incremented each time you release a new build.

Transaction requirements

T1 The following types of transactions are supported: purchases, refunds, and MOTO payments.
T2 The ‘posRefId’ of each transaction request is unique.
  • When retrying a transaction (e.g. after an invalid PIN), the same posRefId is not used.
T3 When a transaction needs to be confirmed, the Spice user interface appears above the POS user interface, allowing the merchant to click to confirm.
T4 Both the merchant and customer EFTPOS receipts are either:
  • printed during the transaction, or
  • stored and able to be printed at a later time, or both. Learn more
T5 For transactions that require a signature, the ‘receipt to sign’ is printed.
T6 For transactions that require a signature:
  • if the receipt is approved, the sale is closed, otherwise
  • if the receipt is declined, the sale remains open. Learn more
T7 When a transaction is declined (e.g. due to an invalid PIN), the sale remains open.
T8 When a transaction cannot be made because Spice is not running, the POS displays a relevant error message.
T9 When a transaction is interrupted by either:
  • a network disconnection, or
  • a Spice or POS application crash,

the transaction is recovered. It is recovered automatically, or, if that is not possible, manually.
T10 The POS provides ‘one-click transactions’.
  • Each transaction type has its own button: purchase, refund, MOTO, and cashout-only.
  • When one of these buttons is clicked, the transaction starts immediately. No additional clicks are required.

Certification requirements

C1 After developing a new Spice integration, all test cases are passed the certification process is completed.
C2 After adding additional feature(s) to an existing Spice integration, all test cases for the additional feature(s) are passed and the recertification process is completed.

Recommended features

These features are not required for certification but they are recommended for the benefits they provide.


Reconciliation is when a merchant checks that their sales records (i.e. their merchant receipts) match their bank statements.

Additional features

Beyond these basic features, there are a variety of additional, optional features that you can include in your integration — MOTO, tips and surcharges, and more.